HEIPI's International Brand Ambassador

HEIPI's International Brand Ambassador

Today, we are honored to annouce Jeffrey Wu as HEIPI's International Brand Ambassador. 

He is a professional wildlife and landscape photographer. His passion and dedication to photography coincides with HEIPI's core values. We look forward to in-depth cooperation with him to jointly start HEIPI's global journey.

HEIPI's International Brand Ambassador

Jeffrey Wu

Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC) Certified Professional Wildlife and Landscape Photographer, Curator and Producer

Kenyan resident photographer for Gamewatchers Safaris, Letorre Lodge, Lorian Camp

Official partner of Kenya Tourism Board

2018-2019 Nikon World Photography Awards Judges

The first Chinese judge in the history of the 'World's Best Nature Photography' competition

Canadian Photographic Art Association National Competition Judge

Chairman of the Jury of the Toronto International Photography Festival 2015

Contributor to 'China National Geographic', 'African Geography', 'Canada Outdoor Photography', 'Gazelle Magazine'

Producer of the reality show 'The Master and the protege (to be broadcast)'

Jeffery Wu's Photographs

Jeffery Wu's Photographs


Jeffery Wu's Photographs
Jeffery Wu's Photographs

Jeffrey Wu working with HEIPI products

Jeffery Wu